![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Stephanie* Sweet Meliss* Suffix Abuse* Kristina Contes* Stilley Stuff* Dooce* Laura* Cookies For Breakfast* Nie Nie Dialogues* Rachel* Anchored Nomad* ![]() ![]() doodies the runs jorma taccone f my life delights the found magazine do you have the time? ![]() Can't you hear me? Cause I'm screamin'. Did not go outside. Yesterday. Don't wake me, please. Don't wake me. I was dreamin'. Well I might just stay inside again Today. Well I don't go out much these days. Sometimes I stay inside all day. Leave me leave me leave me leave me Alone. Won't you leave me alone. Don't you leave me alone. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ghetto google look at a book brandon flowers sex & the city quotations best trailer, worst movie. quotations. idiot girls club Get high on JESUS When they say "Don’t I know you?" Say no. When they invite you to the party Remember what parties are like Before answering. Someone telling you in a loud voice They once wrote a poem. Then reply. If they say we should get together. Say why? It’s not that you don’t love them any more. You’re trying to remember something Too important to forget. Trees. The church bell at twilight. Tell them you have a new project. It will never be finished. When someone recognizes you in a grocery store, Nod briefly and become a cabbage. When someone you haven’t seen In ten years Appears at the door, Don’t start singing him all your new songs. You will never catch up. Know you could tumble any second. Then decide what to do with your time. ![]() This is a new garden over old flowers. Wish that one day they'd figure out how to shrink stars and i could keep one in my bedroom. And wish that me and him could grow old together. And wish that in my next life I come back as a tiger. These are fun wishes. In about seven minutes you can start. 'Til then, you'll just listen to the radio from seat's edge. As if then it's the look on your face. As if, as if then you'll matter, And then I can't wait. ![]() and never the two shall meet said the tiger to its greatest fan. the amount of love you wish to give is more than i can stand. ![]() 11.01.2010-11.30.2010 10.01.2010-10.31.2010 09.01.2010-09.30.2010 08.01.2010-08.31.2010 07.01.2010-07.31.2010 06.01.2010-06.30.2010 05.01.2010-05.31.2010 04.01.2010-04.30.2010 03.01.2010-03.31.2010 02.01.2010-02.28.2010 01.01.2010-01.31.2010 ======= 12.01.2009-12.31.2009 11.01.2009-11.30.2009 10.01.2009-10.31.2009 09.01.2009-09.30.2009 08.01.2009-08.31.2009 07.01.2009-07.31.2009 06.01.2009-06.30.2009 05.01.2009-05.31.2009 04.01.2009-04.30.2009 03.01.2009-03.31.2009 02.01.2009-02.28.2009 01.01.2009-01.31.2009 12.01.2008-12.31.2008 11.01.2008-11.30.2008 10.01.2008-10.31.2008 09.01.2008-09.30.2008 08.01.2008-08.31.2008 07.01.2008-07.31.2008 06.01.2008-06.30.2008 05.01.2008-05.31.2008 04.01.2008-04.30.2008 03.01.2008-03.31.2008 02.01.2008-02.29.2008 01.01.2008-01.31.2008 ======= 12.01.2007-12.31.2007 11.01.2007-11.30.2007 10.01.2007-10.31.2007 09.01.2007-09.30.2007 08.01.2007-08.31.2007 07.01.2007-07.31.2007 06.01.2007-06.30.2007 05.01.2007-05.31.2007 04.01.2007-04.30.2007 03.01.2007-03.31.2007 02.01.2007-02.28.2007 01.01.2007-01.31.2007 ======= 12.01.2006-12.31.2006 ![]() 10.01.2006-10.31.2006 09.01.2006-09.30.2006 08.01.2006-08.31.2006 07.01.2006-07.31.2006 06.01.2006-06.30.2006 05.01.2006-05.31.2006 04.01.2006-04.30.2006 03.01.2006-03.30.2006 02.01.2006-02.28.2006 01.01.2006-01.30.2006 ======= 12.01.2005-12.30.2005 11.01.2005-11.30.2005 10.01.2005-10.30.2005 09.01.2005-09.30.2005 08.01.2005-08.30.2005 07.01.2005-07.30.2005 06.01.2005-06.30.2005 05.01.2005-05.30.2005 04.01.2005-04.30.2005 03.01.2005-03.31.2005 02.01.2005-02.28.2005 01.01.2005-01.31.2005 ======= 12.01.2004-12.31.2004 11.01.2004-11.30.2004 10.01.2004-10.31.2004 09.01.2004-09.30.2004 08.01.2004-08.31.2004 07.01.2004-07.31.2004 06.01.2004-06.30.2004 05.01.2004-05.31.2004 04.01.2004-04.30.2004 03.01.2004-03.31.2004 02.01.2004-02.28.2004 01.01.2004-01.31.2004 ======= 12.01.2003-12.31.2003 11.01.2003-11.30.2003 10.01.2003-10.31.2003 ![]() ![]() *blogger, for my life hobby* *haloscan, so no one can comment* *Schrags, my html GOD* |
Ah, hi. Yeah. Been gone for a bit, but now I'm back in the game. ![]() (click on picture for more homecoming fun) I think an appropriate place to start off would be KU Homecoming. Had the best time. Ever. Here are the highlights: -viewing the sweet Holtz mansion in Gardner KS that houses the best family room paint you'll ever witness. I dare you to tell me otherwise. -waking up Saturday morn feeling like someone picked me up by my neck. Those of you who know me, know that this happens monthly to my poor neck. Limited range of motion, people. -Tailgating (in all places) behind the computer services building. Watching Melissa and her friends fire up some nice skillet dishes and cook the breakfast pizza that she downright begged for. Also, seeing Jason and Brian bond over a couple of on-the-go cups across campus. -Ah, roasting in the heat of the actual football game. PEOPLE GOT SUNBURN. What made it even more uncomfortable was seeing the Texas A&M all-in-tight-white gay male dancers that made gun-shooter gestures every five seconds. -Dining at Jefferson's and finding the dollar bill with the phone number on the wall, that we called, that promped a scared 13-year-old-looking sophomore to come out and meet us, try to impress us with his "cool" drinking schedule, and the poor kids hands were shaking. -Immediately going out on Mass Street, where I started behaving like this: ![]() So, now, I'm trying to work this last day when my apartment is in shambles. Do you know that feeling like when you pack all your stuff up, but then there is still all of these little things that you basically just want to dump into a garbage sack and carry over to the new house? Or do you know in cartoons when the character is eating, and he keeps eating and eating, but the food in the bowl never goes down? That's how I feel about my shit. But tomorrow, that sweet day comes. We're painting, we're locksmithing, and I'll be licking (and there's nothing wrong with that description, Steph) my new washer and dryer. Hold tight dear readers, I'll be coming at you soon from a new zip code. I should also mention that we went to St. Louis this weekend for Holly's (Brian's sis) wedding. Ok, seriously. You look up bride in the dictionary and there is a picture of her. She looked like a model to the twelfth power. Everything couldn't have been more pretty. I really liked the make-up that was put onto my face, and I was going to post a picture, but then saw the way the rest of my body looked, so I was going to just show a direct shot of my face, but then just nixed the idea all together because I want to barf. On a heavier note: Upon sister Laura's reccomendation of the Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell, I decided I'd treat myself to one (plus a mexican pizza plus mild sauce). Approximatley nine hours later, I had used the rest of the toliet paper and then one more after that. Crippling stomach aches that took me away from packing for the whole night while Brian did the kitchen and commented on how bad the bathroom smelled. So, maybe stay away from the CRUNCH.
Happy Birthday Robair Robby Shin!
He's not allergic to toy poodles and he doesn't touch his genitials after handling the hot sauce. And I love him. So, things have been going along nicely. I just pooped, Mr. T is on the Martha show tomorrow, I'm working out again, I'm the owner of some new Coca Butter deoderant, and we move in freaking 17 days. You couldn't have a more exciting girl, here. This weekend was a busy one. On Thursday I drove down to KC, caught a volleyball game of Steph's (where I kicked a lady in the back by accident), and then got some Barbacoa curtesy of my local Chipolte. On Saturday, I woke up at the crack of dawn to do some morning errands, grab my favorite bagel, and I hit the road to Joplin MO. Me and the trusty Taurus were off to see my best pal Kelly P. I was going to her wedding shower. Man did I have a good time. Her house was basically the bomb.com and I got some good hugs from her and her mom. I miss them. We feasted, I helped add all of the ribbons to her bush of a bouqet, and afterwards, the girls went out antiquing. Kel, I see another visit to the J-O-P in my future. It wasn't long enough.. Not gonna lie, I didn't think the ol' car was gonna make it home. I have really been trying hard to win one of Martha Stewart's new Chevy Suburbans via her website, but so far only stupid ladies from Washington and Tennessee have won. So for now, I just keep puttering along in the car that sounds like a tank, as mom so lovingly says. And although the Jayhawks didn't quite pull off the victory against those dirty Huskers, I knew my Chiefs would. Me and Dad headed off to the game on Sunday morning. I know you were wondering, but I got the stocks/investing talk in the car. Good stuff. It was breast cancer awareness day, so we picked up some sweet pink bracelets and headed to our seats. ![]() ![]() Obviously we had a nice time because we killed the 49'ers 41 to nothing. Suckers. We also had a nice time because we had a little entertainment. There was a dude in front of us that was a chiefs fan. Well, dude to the left and across the isle was the only 49'ers fan in the stadium. Immediately when the game started, Chiefs dude whips out his rubber-banded roll of bills (seriously it was 42 inches thick) and they start betting on first downs. Basically just passing the same 5$ bill back and forth. But the Chiefs dude had a microphone implanted in his esophagus. ![]() ![]() I think the best part was right after the Chiefs dude said he'd crack the guys skull open, and then he went over the isle, grabbed the wrist of the 49'ers guy and started pulling it up and down yelling, "CHA CHING CHA CHING! JACKPOT BABY!" Ah, yeah, then they were escorted out because the people in front of us who actually owned the seats came, thus, free seat time was over for moneybags loudmouth. This ends this blog post. Please keep in mind, nothing is more annoying than readers begging for future blog posts. You try it. When I have something cool to shout about, will do. Otherwise, I'm not going to write about how I did 5 loads of laundry on a quiet Monday afternoon. Soooo excited for KU homecoming this weekend. I'm painting the town. So excited to stay at the Holtz mansion, see sweet Meliss and JC, tear down the goalposts, and maybe light something on fire. |