![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Stephanie* Sweet Meliss* Suffix Abuse* Kristina Contes* Stilley Stuff* Dooce* Laura* Cookies For Breakfast* Nie Nie Dialogues* Rachel* Anchored Nomad* ![]() ![]() doodies the runs jorma taccone f my life delights the found magazine do you have the time? ![]() Can't you hear me? Cause I'm screamin'. Did not go outside. Yesterday. Don't wake me, please. Don't wake me. I was dreamin'. Well I might just stay inside again Today. Well I don't go out much these days. Sometimes I stay inside all day. Leave me leave me leave me leave me Alone. Won't you leave me alone. Don't you leave me alone. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ghetto google look at a book brandon flowers sex & the city quotations best trailer, worst movie. quotations. idiot girls club Get high on JESUS When they say "Don’t I know you?" Say no. When they invite you to the party Remember what parties are like Before answering. Someone telling you in a loud voice They once wrote a poem. Then reply. If they say we should get together. Say why? It’s not that you don’t love them any more. You’re trying to remember something Too important to forget. Trees. The church bell at twilight. Tell them you have a new project. It will never be finished. When someone recognizes you in a grocery store, Nod briefly and become a cabbage. When someone you haven’t seen In ten years Appears at the door, Don’t start singing him all your new songs. You will never catch up. Know you could tumble any second. Then decide what to do with your time. ![]() This is a new garden over old flowers. Wish that one day they'd figure out how to shrink stars and i could keep one in my bedroom. And wish that me and him could grow old together. And wish that in my next life I come back as a tiger. These are fun wishes. In about seven minutes you can start. 'Til then, you'll just listen to the radio from seat's edge. As if then it's the look on your face. As if, as if then you'll matter, And then I can't wait. ![]() and never the two shall meet said the tiger to its greatest fan. the amount of love you wish to give is more than i can stand. ![]() 11.01.2010-11.30.2010 10.01.2010-10.31.2010 09.01.2010-09.30.2010 08.01.2010-08.31.2010 07.01.2010-07.31.2010 06.01.2010-06.30.2010 05.01.2010-05.31.2010 04.01.2010-04.30.2010 03.01.2010-03.31.2010 02.01.2010-02.28.2010 01.01.2010-01.31.2010 ======= 12.01.2009-12.31.2009 11.01.2009-11.30.2009 10.01.2009-10.31.2009 09.01.2009-09.30.2009 08.01.2009-08.31.2009 07.01.2009-07.31.2009 06.01.2009-06.30.2009 05.01.2009-05.31.2009 04.01.2009-04.30.2009 03.01.2009-03.31.2009 02.01.2009-02.28.2009 01.01.2009-01.31.2009 12.01.2008-12.31.2008 11.01.2008-11.30.2008 10.01.2008-10.31.2008 09.01.2008-09.30.2008 08.01.2008-08.31.2008 07.01.2008-07.31.2008 06.01.2008-06.30.2008 05.01.2008-05.31.2008 04.01.2008-04.30.2008 03.01.2008-03.31.2008 02.01.2008-02.29.2008 01.01.2008-01.31.2008 ======= 12.01.2007-12.31.2007 11.01.2007-11.30.2007 10.01.2007-10.31.2007 09.01.2007-09.30.2007 08.01.2007-08.31.2007 07.01.2007-07.31.2007 06.01.2007-06.30.2007 05.01.2007-05.31.2007 04.01.2007-04.30.2007 03.01.2007-03.31.2007 02.01.2007-02.28.2007 01.01.2007-01.31.2007 ======= 12.01.2006-12.31.2006 ![]() 10.01.2006-10.31.2006 09.01.2006-09.30.2006 08.01.2006-08.31.2006 07.01.2006-07.31.2006 06.01.2006-06.30.2006 05.01.2006-05.31.2006 04.01.2006-04.30.2006 03.01.2006-03.30.2006 02.01.2006-02.28.2006 01.01.2006-01.30.2006 ======= 12.01.2005-12.30.2005 11.01.2005-11.30.2005 10.01.2005-10.30.2005 09.01.2005-09.30.2005 08.01.2005-08.30.2005 07.01.2005-07.30.2005 06.01.2005-06.30.2005 05.01.2005-05.30.2005 04.01.2005-04.30.2005 03.01.2005-03.31.2005 02.01.2005-02.28.2005 01.01.2005-01.31.2005 ======= 12.01.2004-12.31.2004 11.01.2004-11.30.2004 10.01.2004-10.31.2004 09.01.2004-09.30.2004 08.01.2004-08.31.2004 07.01.2004-07.31.2004 06.01.2004-06.30.2004 05.01.2004-05.31.2004 04.01.2004-04.30.2004 03.01.2004-03.31.2004 02.01.2004-02.28.2004 01.01.2004-01.31.2004 ======= 12.01.2003-12.31.2003 11.01.2003-11.30.2003 10.01.2003-10.31.2003 ![]() ![]() *blogger, for my life hobby* *haloscan, so no one can comment* *Schrags, my html GOD* |
Today is the best day of the year. Mainly, because this day, 25 years ago, I came into this world in Green Bay Wisconsin. Also, because it's June and that's just such a cool month, and thirdly, because I've always been obsessed with the number 22. Like when I used to get up to bat, I'd swing twice outside the batters box and twice in, because that's two sets of two and put them together and that's "22". And I'm a raging freak. So, the morning started off with Brian waking me up, and ps, I'm unconscious. I asked for 15 more minutes of pillow time, so he came back later. So when he came back, I rolled out of bed and he handed me a slip of paper and my favorite venti drink from Starbucks. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANT? A FREAKING SCAVENGER HUNT AROUND MY HOUSE. There were 25 clues that took me to my bookcase for a new book, to my undie drawer for a Vikis gift card, to my desk for a scrapbooking gift card, to the tv for the "Shopgirl" DVD, and many other spots that were special to us, complete with little rhymes and riddles to find other little gifts along the way. I mean, could HE BE ANY MORE GREAT. I was giggling and jumping around like maniac. Then, I checked my e-mail and aside from like 2039802345 myspace comment notifications, I had an e-mail from my littlest sister. She and Laura and Mom had made this huge powerpoint presentation about why they love me and it had all these hilarious pictures and sound bits (!) along the way with them talking to me. Laura even lovingly included a shot of me in my famous Glamour Shots 8x10. She also said I was born with a bra on. I'm taking a half day off today and I plan on meeting Jana at Paradise Cafe for a most delish crossiant sandwich and then a little shopping around Village Pointe. Then, I'm driving to Gretna to visit the most super scrapbooking store since the dawn of man. It's like they put everything into a store that I have ever dreamed of. And it's all discounted. And there for the taking. Then I'll drive home and get a pedicure. And those foreign ladies will beg and hound for me to get a manicure, but I will say no, because I could do a better manicure blindfolded with stubs instead of hands. Then, Brian's taking me out to a mystery dinner. And for the weekend, we're celebrating yet again on Saturday at Kobe Steakhouse where they make the food in front of you and when they smash the egg for the fried rice, it goes right into my eye. And then, we're gonna paint the town, Omaha Style. I can't wait. I mean, I got awes personalized Kung Fu playing cards with my picture on them, and MTV's the Leak is streaming the new Dashboard CD (which tugs at my heartstrings) so today really is THE BEST DAY.
I need a little sunlight.
Man, it's been quite a weekend and a start to the week. More on that later. Here are some things makin' me happy lately. 1.) Home made actual s'mores roasted over the oven-top burner. Delish. 2.) A little Head Automatica music (click here) 3.) A really good blog I just discovered today (not martha) 4.) Taco Bell for dinner last night and finding out that Nachos Supreme is just Nachos Bell Grande at half the size. 5.) buying new house plants at Mullhauls. 6.) an awes maze bookshelf that would be fine by me if I owned it. (shown here) 7.) T-Minus two days until the best holiday of the year: My birth. 8.) If anyone has ideas or a place where you can buy spools that have a fairly large hole that I can wrap my ribbon around for my new ikea ribbon rod, then that would make this list too. So this weekend, Brian's dad and uncle came into town for some serious college world series enjoyment. They were both Cal State Fullerton alums, so that's who we were rooting for. ![]() On Friday, we went to the first game, but not before stopping by the Titan house. This was a house that the alumni rented out to pep each other up. Sure, me and Bri felt a little out of place without our blue and orange, but I got a sweet free towel and overly large beaded necklace. ![]() Well, the game turned out to be the second longest game in CWS history. Six and a half hours and 13 innings later, Brian stuck a fork in me, because I was done. It was a game we should have one in the bottom of the ninth, but the Titan dufus thought it would be wise to try to steal home, I mean, walk home while the pitcher had the ball. Nice move? No. So hence, extra innings and extra nachos with jalapenos. Saturday we tackled that air and space museum again. Brian really tackled it hard: ![]() Then, on a whim, we decided to try out the Omaha in-car safari ride through the middle of the plains. I was skeptical, but my lands, this was THE BOMB. Talk about seeing some animals up close. I did not pet any. ![]() Dude, we saw those elks, wolves, herons, antelope, and bison! All in the wild, people. The place kind of had that Jurassic Park feel, which was also cool because we pretended that maybe a T-Rex would pop out from behind that fence. After the wild encounters, we were off to the next ball game/to be scorched in the blinding and burning sun. Then came Sunday night. Brian wasn't feeling well, so I took Uncle to the train station. Then, I get home and Bri informs me that his hands are grey and he can't stop puking or butt puking. And he is shaking because he is so cold. And it's 96 degrees now in Omaha. He wants to call 911, but I say let me put on a bra and we'll drive to the hospital that I always thought was so nice-looking that I wanted to have my kids born there. So, Brian continues ralphing and actually breaks the world record. I check him in and he gets wheelchaired off because he can't stand up. We get a room and he's in the bed, continuing to blow my mind with how much he is blowing out of his mouth and nether-regions. After 2 hours, a nurse comes to see us and he gets an IV, fluids and some meds. And some gatorade. And these cool tubish blue barf bags. Well, after some blood work and some serious will to stay awake on my end, it's 4am and I get to drive him home. He's alright people. Some high white blood cells that we have to watch, but mainly he needs bedtime and he needs to watch every single Star Wars episode. I'm off to the grocery to get some goldfish and english muffins. Stay classy.
Well, we're back from KC and a weekend of wedding.
My mom came and for 6 hours I heard her beg for the YMCA song. It was most righteous. Montie and Liz in a tree.. Seriously, they both looked so cute and it just made me smile up on the alter, being able to be a part of their special day. Their rehearsal dinner was at Jack Stack where I loaded up on cheesy corn bake, saw Montie cry about Brian, and heard Liz tell the entire audience about how one night in college me and her covered Hoffman's room with 600+ pieces of male genitalia. Here's a shot of some of us bridesmaids. Liz had 9. ![]() Another perfect part of the wedding was seeing our whole group again. Going through college, they were some of our best friends. And Taylor does good sound effects. ![]() Our pal Justin was the best man. Keepin' it classy. ![]() After the wedding, we (24 of us in the bridal party) loaded into a Cadillac stretch driven by a brother with a horrid tie. It had a wood floor, which meant you had to crawl on your knees to get to your seat. We realized in about 2.3 seconds that we needed two stretch limos to accommodate the amount of people and also that the AIR CONDITIONER WAS BROKEN. Mind you, it was a brisk 99 degrees with not a breeze on the entire planet. I soaked through my whole dress because we were driving to the Plaza from Olathe and the windows didn't open. Yes, we were riding in an oven. But you know what? I would stick my head in an oven for Liz and Montie. We love them so much, Brian even wore a pink vest and tie for them. ![]() Oh, and um, Montie had a cousin in attendance at the wedding. Shield your eyes! ![]() All and all, it was a sweet weekend for the Holtz's. Because Brian's dad gave Montie THIS: ![]() So yesterday, I was a power woman. I planned a menu for the week included home made pizza, s'mores (surprise!), and a new honey chicken stir-fry. I also made home made waffles last night! I'm trying to be a good little wifey more often. I also did all laundry and cleaned the crap out of the house. We hung up a shadow box and also began IKEA re-model 2006. We got our box full of stuff in the mail and by God, we're re-arranging the office. We moved one of my awes bulletin boards and tonight the wall organizer unit goes up. I worked like an animal yesterday on the magazine and I just feel like really good right now with everything. Going to do some returns tonight and catch up on some TV shows, maybe go to Gap with Jana. This weekend we are going to a bunch of college world series games. It's a pretty big deal here in the 'ha. I guess we got right behind the plate seats too. Things are perfect.
Brooke: I think you're just a little embarrassed that Richard kicked your ass.
Gary: There's a really big gap between getting your ass kicked and having a dancing, singing sprite, fool you with trickery and then strike your throat before you know that you're even "in" a fight. We saw The Breakup a few days ago and let me tell you how much of a gem it was. Go and see it and thank me in the morning. Well, this weekend we're going to KC to see Liz and Montie get married. I'll be wearing a girdle, and Brian will be wearing a pink vest. SERIOUSLY. Don't worry, I'll be along, taking pictures. I am in LOVE with the new AFI album. It's brilliant. Had coffee for two days in a row AND Jana brought me over a Sonic DP as a surprise, so I'm just moving a million miles an hour this morning. I'm just gonna throw this out there. And you can take it, or throw it right back.. June 22nd is fast approaching, and I'm just curious as to who would entertain the idea of visiting me in Omaha if I could guarantee the best weekend of their natural lives? Just keep me posted. Well, you guys keep it real.
Dear people, I feel like I've been to the mountain top.
I just got back from a 9 day California adventure with Brian. We set off last Friday with a stop in Denver and onto LAX. Being the homo that I am, I had my eyes peeled at the Los Angeles airport, in hopes of spotting a celeb all trying to look anonymous or something. Sadly, I came up short. We can't all be winners. Thanks to my cuz, we scored a sweet Jeep Grand Cherokee, black, with tinted windows, BOYEE. We gladly accepted our car and made along on our merry way. The first stop was our hotel on Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood. Take a peek (here). Our first midwestern mistake was driving past all of the bell boys and immediately into the garage. Yep, the hotel was valet only and we had all these dudes chasing after us. Oops. Probably didn't help that I was wearing my KANSAS shirt. After seeing that each night, behind the front desk in a glass case would be a almost naked girl checking her email or reading a book, we figured this place was a little "not us". Yes, we were scared at first, but by God, we pumped ourselves up and started acting like we meant business. (also, this place was owned by Cammie Diaz and Leo Dicaprio.) Did I mention this place had like a techno DJ spinning right in the lobby? Well that's beside the point. We drove to Huntington the first night for a bonfire on the beach with some of my family. I ate two samores in a row. After that, we got back to Hollywood and decided to grace the Standard Lounge with our presence. We followed that trip up with a late night roomservice order of a quesedilla and fries. Top knotch place. So, we were set for our next day and first day of touring. Mind you, Brian had pre-planned this trip to DEATH. Mapquested his nuts off. So, onto tour Hollywood. We saw the Mann's Chinese Theater, Walk of Stars, Steven Segal's signature in the cement, the Kodak Theater, a lousy wax museum, and a free trip to the Guinness Book of World Records museum. More horrible than you could ever imagine. We also took a 2 hour star tour where you see where the stars live. It was the best! We got to see so many houses in Beverly Hills and our tour guide lady was a real sparkplug. We saw paparazzi at Tom Cruise's house, the Father of the Bride house, the Osbourne's house, and the Fresh Prince house. Among others. Later, we walked Rodeo Drive. Holy Crap. I couldn't even afford to breathe the air that circulates through the store, let alone purchase anything. And sorry, but their stuff isn't for me anyway. The day I need an evening gown with a slit down to my bellybutton is the day you can take a crap in my mouth. I'm serious when I say that every single car on all packed Hollywood streets was either a Ferrari, Rolls Royce, or Lambrigini. And if you doubt me I will fight you. It was unreal. That night, in really high BCBG heels, we walked the 30 minute walk down Sunset to the Viper Room. We were standing in line like rookies, when we get to the front and the doorman starts talking to us because we are from the farmland. It went down like this: Door Dude: "Omaha, huh? Saddle Creek Records is there, right?" Us: Yeah! Not too far from us.. (at this moment, another guy comes right to the front of the line and tries to unhook the velvet room to let himself into the club.) Door Dude: "Excuse me sir.." Guy Trying to help himself in: "I was just trying to get in.." Door Dude: "Excuse me sir, I WAS TALKING TO THESE PEOPLE. I'LL BE WITH YOU IN A MINUTE" (goes back to us) "So yeah, I cut a couple of tracks with The Fray in Omaha." Guy trying to help himself in: "Come on! I want in!" Door Dude: (sticking hand in guy's face) "EXCUSE ME SIR, I AM SPEAKING TO THESE PEOPLE I WILL BE WITH YOU MOMENTARILY." (goes back to us) "Yeah, Omaha's a pretty great place for music." (takes rope and lets just us in.) Let me tell you. We felt so cool. And then felt real uncool after we were informed of the 20$ cover. But it ended up being a pretty cool band and place and their were rumors within saying Britney Spears was in the private room. Also, many large bodyguards. We also had dinner that night at Cabo. It was a mexican food place owned by Fabio that I swear had the best burrito I have ever feasted upon. Nice work, fab. Sunday we went to Chinatown where Brian bought the only thing he did all trip: chopsticks. Don't ask me why, but he was hell-bent on buying them. I bought a sweet golden cat that (when battery inserted) waves his right arm up and down in a black-panther/Arsineo Hall kind of way. We then went and checked out the Labrea Tar Pits and the J. Paul Getty Art museum. Both were awes. Monday, we headed on down to Santa Monica where we shopped at their awesome 3rd Street promenade. Saw Mary Kate Olson, and most of the restrooms inside restaurants required you to pay a quarter to be able to open the door. From there, we went to Santa Monica Beach and the Santa Monica Pier. Both lovely and heavily crowded. Later, we traveled to Venice Beach where we saw the body builders on Muscle Beach and felt a little unsafe in this area. Maybe it was the spanishly tan man in a leopard G-String? I don't know. Tuesday, we went to Anaheim and spent all freaking day at Disney. I was in heaven. I made Brian do all of the coasters, he was entirely too excited about the Star Wars Ride, and I can't believe the Pirates of the Caribbean ride was closed. Screw you, Disney. Dinner at the ESPN zone concluded our long day. Wednesday, we drove to Huntington Beach, feasted animal-style at the In & Out Burger, and I pooped my pants as we drove to and shopped in my first IKEA. Let's just say, 3 hours later, and a large box shipped home via UPS later, Brian and I were BOTH really psyched. We went to the beach where I might have had a nip slip, we saw Baywatch being filmed, and I realized that millions of tiny crabs touch you with every wave that hits the sand. sick. Later that night we went to Tuna Town (owned by Korn drummer) and painted the town with my cousin Matty. Thursday, we went to Laguna Beach, aka, where I want to move immediately. We shopped around, walked the beach, and ate at the cutest and best little cafe on a cliff that used blue glass. Best sandwich I ever had..with cucumber. Later that day, we went to San Diego and ventured around Cornado Island. We saw the gorgeous hotel where Marilyn Monroe filmed "Some Like it Hot". Had a little pizza at an outdoor cafe and called it a day. Friday, it was Seaworld day. We covered that place clean. We sat in the soak zone and accidentally went on this plane-wreck simulator that was like my worst nightmare, and I deemed Brian the sun tan lotion Nazi. That night, we were so pooped, we went down to the Gaslamp District for a quite bite (delish pretzels and dip) and also to see a homie walk hand in hand with his lady, and then suddenly slam her up against the concrete ally wall and scream so loud, "ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR MIND? I SAID I'D SHOW YOU MY CRACK, NOT LET YOU TOUCH IT! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND?" Like literally, probably shouldn't have been walking around down there. Oops. Crackman. So basically, it was the best trip ever. My many thanks to Mama Coleman for her superior travel planning abilities, and also to Brian.. who just when I think he can't be more organized, he takes it to a whole nother level. One evening, I even caught him cleaning the hotel room. So, here is the link for all of our pictures (click). I'm warning you that by clicking, you will be sucked into viewing something that could take about an hour of your time. But time well spent, I say. And might I note that yesterday (Sunday) marked our one year anniversary. Little Bri woke me up and had arranged to have a mini re-creation of our wedding cake made, had a big bunch of flowers and was ready to watch our wedding video. I am the luckiest lady in the world. I'm off with the Bri-ster and Jana to see THE BREAKUP. Can't wait to see 1 hour and 26 minutes of Vaughn. Peace. |