![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Stephanie* Sweet Meliss* Suffix Abuse* Kristina Contes* Stilley Stuff* Dooce* Laura* Cookies For Breakfast* Nie Nie Dialogues* Rachel* Anchored Nomad* ![]() ![]() doodies the runs jorma taccone f my life delights the found magazine do you have the time? ![]() Can't you hear me? Cause I'm screamin'. Did not go outside. Yesterday. Don't wake me, please. Don't wake me. I was dreamin'. Well I might just stay inside again Today. Well I don't go out much these days. Sometimes I stay inside all day. Leave me leave me leave me leave me Alone. Won't you leave me alone. Don't you leave me alone. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ghetto google look at a book brandon flowers sex & the city quotations best trailer, worst movie. quotations. idiot girls club Get high on JESUS When they say "Don’t I know you?" Say no. When they invite you to the party Remember what parties are like Before answering. Someone telling you in a loud voice They once wrote a poem. Then reply. If they say we should get together. Say why? It’s not that you don’t love them any more. You’re trying to remember something Too important to forget. Trees. The church bell at twilight. Tell them you have a new project. It will never be finished. When someone recognizes you in a grocery store, Nod briefly and become a cabbage. When someone you haven’t seen In ten years Appears at the door, Don’t start singing him all your new songs. You will never catch up. Know you could tumble any second. Then decide what to do with your time. ![]() This is a new garden over old flowers. Wish that one day they'd figure out how to shrink stars and i could keep one in my bedroom. And wish that me and him could grow old together. And wish that in my next life I come back as a tiger. These are fun wishes. In about seven minutes you can start. 'Til then, you'll just listen to the radio from seat's edge. As if then it's the look on your face. As if, as if then you'll matter, And then I can't wait. ![]() and never the two shall meet said the tiger to its greatest fan. the amount of love you wish to give is more than i can stand. ![]() 11.01.2010-11.30.2010 10.01.2010-10.31.2010 09.01.2010-09.30.2010 08.01.2010-08.31.2010 07.01.2010-07.31.2010 06.01.2010-06.30.2010 05.01.2010-05.31.2010 04.01.2010-04.30.2010 03.01.2010-03.31.2010 02.01.2010-02.28.2010 01.01.2010-01.31.2010 ======= 12.01.2009-12.31.2009 11.01.2009-11.30.2009 10.01.2009-10.31.2009 09.01.2009-09.30.2009 08.01.2009-08.31.2009 07.01.2009-07.31.2009 06.01.2009-06.30.2009 05.01.2009-05.31.2009 04.01.2009-04.30.2009 03.01.2009-03.31.2009 02.01.2009-02.28.2009 01.01.2009-01.31.2009 12.01.2008-12.31.2008 11.01.2008-11.30.2008 10.01.2008-10.31.2008 09.01.2008-09.30.2008 08.01.2008-08.31.2008 07.01.2008-07.31.2008 06.01.2008-06.30.2008 05.01.2008-05.31.2008 04.01.2008-04.30.2008 03.01.2008-03.31.2008 02.01.2008-02.29.2008 01.01.2008-01.31.2008 ======= 12.01.2007-12.31.2007 11.01.2007-11.30.2007 10.01.2007-10.31.2007 09.01.2007-09.30.2007 08.01.2007-08.31.2007 07.01.2007-07.31.2007 06.01.2007-06.30.2007 05.01.2007-05.31.2007 04.01.2007-04.30.2007 03.01.2007-03.31.2007 02.01.2007-02.28.2007 01.01.2007-01.31.2007 ======= 12.01.2006-12.31.2006 ![]() 10.01.2006-10.31.2006 09.01.2006-09.30.2006 08.01.2006-08.31.2006 07.01.2006-07.31.2006 06.01.2006-06.30.2006 05.01.2006-05.31.2006 04.01.2006-04.30.2006 03.01.2006-03.30.2006 02.01.2006-02.28.2006 01.01.2006-01.30.2006 ======= 12.01.2005-12.30.2005 11.01.2005-11.30.2005 10.01.2005-10.30.2005 09.01.2005-09.30.2005 08.01.2005-08.30.2005 07.01.2005-07.30.2005 06.01.2005-06.30.2005 05.01.2005-05.30.2005 04.01.2005-04.30.2005 03.01.2005-03.31.2005 02.01.2005-02.28.2005 01.01.2005-01.31.2005 ======= 12.01.2004-12.31.2004 11.01.2004-11.30.2004 10.01.2004-10.31.2004 09.01.2004-09.30.2004 08.01.2004-08.31.2004 07.01.2004-07.31.2004 06.01.2004-06.30.2004 05.01.2004-05.31.2004 04.01.2004-04.30.2004 03.01.2004-03.31.2004 02.01.2004-02.28.2004 01.01.2004-01.31.2004 ======= 12.01.2003-12.31.2003 11.01.2003-11.30.2003 10.01.2003-10.31.2003 ![]() ![]() *blogger, for my life hobby* *haloscan, so no one can comment* *Schrags, my html GOD* |
Jenn Hall is basically having the worst month ever.
Work is frustrating me right now. Cause I know there is a better way to make things better. Please...please enjoy the April Issue of Electronic Musician. Because I worked Sundays for it, Sunday nights on a card table, and most of the time until 7 in the weekday evenings. And everyone seems to live in Germany, pay no attention to either running an ad they've signed for or turning it in on any day that happens to fall on the calendar. And everyone's gone retarded and forgot how to make ads. I seriously think I got an eye infection from this. But it's gone, so no worries. I got some neat boxes from Organized Living that I am pretty excited about. I also got my first issue in a subscription to Real Simple. Brian got me a rose this weekend. I just hung up a new bulletin board. Let's talk about registering. Because Lord have mercy, I am done. Crate & Barrel, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kate Spade China at Jones, and Pottery Barn. It's a weird thing to do all this. I kind of feel bad but then it also fuels my shopping habit. I found that Brian's not really a trooper when it comes to 3 hour shopping bouts. Even if I give him the scan gun. He'll love me for that giant spatula later. I went to the gyno today. Not only was it the worst day ever for me, but yes, I got to experience the yearly delight. I only have two quick stories. I was handed the famous "wide open shirt" and the "sheet for my naked lap" and I started to change, and totally flashed my boobies for five minutes because I didn't realize that waist to ceiling blinds were wide open to the main parking lot. Then, I sat there, feeling a little gay, waiting, while Carly Simon's "Anticipation" played over the little appointment room radio. It just kills me. Oh, and last week I got to meet Laura's Dan. I have a raging crush on that cafeteria juggler spaz man. Tone it down, Dan, and let's have a cold one next time I'm up on the Hill. Sorry friends, for being a way for so long. I'm real tired. It's bed time. On a side note, Jen on the Bachlorette is a complete a-hole. I wish during the interview I could have pulled a crank and her chair would have gone back and sent her flying into a dark deep pit. Love ya Jer, always will. ![]()
In the meantime, I have become obsessed with this fine specimineship of beinghood.
ooooh. i'm ticked.
ticked at Giddens, ticked at that ref's last call on Miles, ticked that my lucky postion on the recliner and mind tactics did not work. And i hate to see stupid Texas Tech run onto the court after the game like yuppies. Happy V. Day, everyone!Today is an excellent day with flowers provided by future husband, Brian C. Scott. Although I'd rather have him here to hug and kiss, the red roses have smelled up my cube beautifully. I gave away some Valentimes this morning, treated myself to some Starbucks, and had lunch with the Pri bunch. Then tonight, I will treat myself to the f'ing treadmill because it is hi-time I gave my lard a beating. Sounds like a great Valentines night. Thank the heavens for the Bachelorette. Maybe Jerry will leap though the TV and take me ice-skating or something cute like that. Back to Brian, though. Haha. We celebrated the day o' love on Saturday night. I got a little love book that I adore and we dressed all up and went out to dinner. He even opened up the door for me and let us have snicker ice cream desert. I love that man. Other than that, I've been kind of square lately. I'm knee-deep in wedding lately. Just get me married people. We did meet with the Reception lady and tried some sausage and discussed. Then, good Lord, literally, we met with the minister after church on Sunday. Let me tell you that was the best meeting i've had with anyone dealing with this wedding. Here are the highlights: - "Sometimes you have to tell her, you know, that dress is so pretty on you. Or, that new haircut makes you look like a million bucks. Or, I like your buns." - "Sometimes when Dorris gets back from the the cupboard, I like to just pat her on the bottom. Oooh it makes her so mad, but I love her." All in all, it was like my Grampa telling me life's little instructions. He was so cute and he talked about love and compassion so wisely. But the buns is what stuck with us. The buns. I love buns.
Maybe I'm losing weight.
because all I've been eating is crackers and Sprite. this whole weekend and today. so i don't really have much to say. I haven't done anything. Today I've watched my fair share of make-over episodes and home decorating shows. Maybe i'll move onto movies. but in the meantime, why don't you guys all give me your favorite quotation until I return.
Nobody knows it, but I am wearing two different black socks today (one is my Gramma's)
and I illegally ironed a dry clean only shirt this morning. So. Back to the land of wheat. For those of you that live on Mars, I went to the Windy City this weekend. Ah, basically, it was the best time in my whole life. I've come to a realization though. As I live in Kansas, I feel like i'm totally missing out on growing up in the big city and going out to ritzy clubs and shopping on, say, Michigan Avenue, and having my own cute little Chicagoan apartment right there downtown. It's just amazing what life that city breathes. And it's freaking amazing how gay I just sounded. All in all, in summary, in closing, I would give my velvet pants to live in that town. I'm jealous of the skyline, the bars, little shops, the cold cold weather, the pizza, and all of the homies begging for money. I'm putting in my life transfer to Chicago. Anywhoo, let's get into the recap. Dedicated to Steph JC, who could not come because she had SARS. God bless her, we'll go again, Steph. Trust me on this one. So, I flew solo. Parked in economy, bus rode it to the terminal, checked in, checked bags, went through security, and when some old lady asked the time, I realized I left that damn cell phone out in my car about seven states away. So I hopped on another blue bus, driven by Billy Grahm's body double, got the stupid phone and did it all over again. On the flight, I sat next to my new best friend. For those of you that know me, you know I'd rather do that thing they did to Tom Cruise's eyes in "Minority Report" rather than fly on a plane. But I did, and I made an immediate pal. Some guy that needed to get home to Chicago for an Alterbridge concert. Please. Oh, and he was just as scared to fly as me. Like white knuckles. We spent the rest of the flight talking about Mudvayne, Slipnot, and Alterbridge. Then, I got off the plane, waited for luggage at O'Hare, and sweet little Meliss picked me up at a Vestibule. We didn't waste time. We went straight to Wendy's. I wolfed, then we met up with a lot of fellow blogger's at Vaughn's Pub. My little schrags.. It was nice, I even had a drunk Irishman call me "love" and almost play his bag pipes for me. Sadly, he claimed he was too drunk to play, but not drunk enough to drive. He carried those bags in a silver case. Like a true man. The next day, I was on my own. Luckily, the Beeje called me downstairs and we watched Tivo and ate Mr. Beef sandwiches and talked the talk. Then, Meliss came home during the middle of Wheel of Fortune to take me to Giardano's for the best meal a person could consume. There, we met Kimmy, fellow-blogger Cheryl, and her nice Michigan pal (man of a million facial hair fashions). Afterwards, we headed to Lincoln Park to go to the Red Lion aka, HEAT ROOM. Fellow-blogger Tina came along and so did Ben and Mario (ooooh!!) Get jealous. Saturday morning, me and melissa played makeup and eventually made it downtown for some serious shopping on Michigan Avenue and other assorted venues that accepted my credit card. I bought some insanely large earrings, an iron pig with wings, we went to the fabulous Room & Board, the Northface store, the Virgin Music Store, etc. I even saw Chanel, a Ralph Lauren Bar, and a couple of crack heads. Let me explain. There are two things I have never done more in my life than I did in Chicago: 1.) Eat the 'Donalds. 2.) Text Message (I received a lesson in T9) That being said, we rushed home and got ready to go out for Cheryl's surprise birthday party at McGee's in Bucktown. It was crowded, I was wearing my fabulous earrings, and the drinks took advantage of Melissa, Melissa didn't take advantage of the drinks. I started up a quarters game and saw my pal Scott. I stayed up too late... Tina lost her wallet to a thief that maxed out her credit cards in an hour, and Scott had his house robbed. So somewhere there is a robber riding a stolen bike, checking his email on his new laptops, with a lot of phone accessories. Sheeshus. Oh, I also rode in a lot of cabs. Here are the award-winning pictorials. Loved the trip. Meliss, Kim, thanks for being the best. Schrags, thanks for being witty. And to the man walking his pet down Lake Shore Drive, thanks for putting booties on your dog. It's cold out there. |