![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Stephanie* Sweet Meliss* Suffix Abuse* Kristina Contes* Stilley Stuff* Dooce* Laura* Cookies For Breakfast* Nie Nie Dialogues* Rachel* Anchored Nomad* ![]() ![]() doodies the runs jorma taccone f my life delights the found magazine do you have the time? ![]() Can't you hear me? Cause I'm screamin'. Did not go outside. Yesterday. Don't wake me, please. Don't wake me. I was dreamin'. Well I might just stay inside again Today. Well I don't go out much these days. Sometimes I stay inside all day. Leave me leave me leave me leave me Alone. Won't you leave me alone. Don't you leave me alone. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ghetto google look at a book brandon flowers sex & the city quotations best trailer, worst movie. quotations. idiot girls club Get high on JESUS When they say "Don’t I know you?" Say no. When they invite you to the party Remember what parties are like Before answering. Someone telling you in a loud voice They once wrote a poem. Then reply. If they say we should get together. Say why? It’s not that you don’t love them any more. You’re trying to remember something Too important to forget. Trees. The church bell at twilight. Tell them you have a new project. It will never be finished. When someone recognizes you in a grocery store, Nod briefly and become a cabbage. When someone you haven’t seen In ten years Appears at the door, Don’t start singing him all your new songs. You will never catch up. Know you could tumble any second. Then decide what to do with your time. ![]() This is a new garden over old flowers. Wish that one day they'd figure out how to shrink stars and i could keep one in my bedroom. And wish that me and him could grow old together. And wish that in my next life I come back as a tiger. These are fun wishes. In about seven minutes you can start. 'Til then, you'll just listen to the radio from seat's edge. As if then it's the look on your face. As if, as if then you'll matter, And then I can't wait. ![]() and never the two shall meet said the tiger to its greatest fan. the amount of love you wish to give is more than i can stand. ![]() 11.01.2010-11.30.2010 10.01.2010-10.31.2010 09.01.2010-09.30.2010 08.01.2010-08.31.2010 07.01.2010-07.31.2010 06.01.2010-06.30.2010 05.01.2010-05.31.2010 04.01.2010-04.30.2010 03.01.2010-03.31.2010 02.01.2010-02.28.2010 01.01.2010-01.31.2010 ======= 12.01.2009-12.31.2009 11.01.2009-11.30.2009 10.01.2009-10.31.2009 09.01.2009-09.30.2009 08.01.2009-08.31.2009 07.01.2009-07.31.2009 06.01.2009-06.30.2009 05.01.2009-05.31.2009 04.01.2009-04.30.2009 03.01.2009-03.31.2009 02.01.2009-02.28.2009 01.01.2009-01.31.2009 12.01.2008-12.31.2008 11.01.2008-11.30.2008 10.01.2008-10.31.2008 09.01.2008-09.30.2008 08.01.2008-08.31.2008 07.01.2008-07.31.2008 06.01.2008-06.30.2008 05.01.2008-05.31.2008 04.01.2008-04.30.2008 03.01.2008-03.31.2008 02.01.2008-02.29.2008 01.01.2008-01.31.2008 ======= 12.01.2007-12.31.2007 11.01.2007-11.30.2007 10.01.2007-10.31.2007 09.01.2007-09.30.2007 08.01.2007-08.31.2007 07.01.2007-07.31.2007 06.01.2007-06.30.2007 05.01.2007-05.31.2007 04.01.2007-04.30.2007 03.01.2007-03.31.2007 02.01.2007-02.28.2007 01.01.2007-01.31.2007 ======= 12.01.2006-12.31.2006 ![]() 10.01.2006-10.31.2006 09.01.2006-09.30.2006 08.01.2006-08.31.2006 07.01.2006-07.31.2006 06.01.2006-06.30.2006 05.01.2006-05.31.2006 04.01.2006-04.30.2006 03.01.2006-03.30.2006 02.01.2006-02.28.2006 01.01.2006-01.30.2006 ======= 12.01.2005-12.30.2005 11.01.2005-11.30.2005 10.01.2005-10.30.2005 09.01.2005-09.30.2005 08.01.2005-08.30.2005 07.01.2005-07.30.2005 06.01.2005-06.30.2005 05.01.2005-05.30.2005 04.01.2005-04.30.2005 03.01.2005-03.31.2005 02.01.2005-02.28.2005 01.01.2005-01.31.2005 ======= 12.01.2004-12.31.2004 11.01.2004-11.30.2004 10.01.2004-10.31.2004 09.01.2004-09.30.2004 08.01.2004-08.31.2004 07.01.2004-07.31.2004 06.01.2004-06.30.2004 05.01.2004-05.31.2004 04.01.2004-04.30.2004 03.01.2004-03.31.2004 02.01.2004-02.28.2004 01.01.2004-01.31.2004 ======= 12.01.2003-12.31.2003 11.01.2003-11.30.2003 10.01.2003-10.31.2003 ![]() ![]() *blogger, for my life hobby* *haloscan, so no one can comment* *Schrags, my html GOD* |
Well hello there, old blog.
I've been away for a tad, had a bad bout with the goodcents I ate in Platt City last night, but other than that, the teddy bear is lookin' mighty fine.. Let's back the truck up. The weekend before this one, I was in lovely St. Louis to attend Holly's graduation and to catch up with the Scotts. We flew in Thursday, had the Imo's pizza and crashed hard. Friday, we visited Brian's mom at her Kindergarten class. It was field day and they were going to get snow cones. Some girl went to go grab her kid purse before she got into line and Mrs. Scott said she didn't need her purse. The girl said, "What?! I just wanted to give them a tip." Then she looks at us and said, "Would you believe that! They spoil us rotten here!" Remind you, KINDERGARTEN. It was awes. After that, we headed to the zoo with Jon and Holly. ![]() ![]() We saw a plastic gazelle, dead and draped over a high tree limb in the walking woodland exhibit (why, I don't know.) and took random pictures that made people stare at us. We even caught two marmots humping (shown above). After this it was dinner at Selena's, followed by X-Box time for the boys and girl bonding time with the girls. Which was then followed up by me taking the city by storm at a local pub with my karakoe hit "Gangsters Paradise". Seriously, word for word, straight from my heart. ![]() The next morning, we watched Holly graduate and had a fantastic dinner at Andrew Clay's. That day, Jenny and I also decided to check out the Missouri Botanical Garden's "Chilhuly: Glass in the Garden" exhibit. It is literally all of this artist's glass stuck amongst the gardens. Blew me away. ![]() ![]() ![]() They also light it up at night and me and Brian are getting re-married so that I can have my wedding pictures taken there. Sunday was nice and relaxing and filled with the tastiest homemade rib dinner ever constructed by man. Oh, we also took family pictures. They turned out nice. So did the ones of me and Brian on a toy motorcycle with the American flag backdrop. And I am so serious. Let me know if you want wallets. So that brings you up to speed. This weekend, we were in KC, enjoying Kris graduating from KU Med. I'm so proud of her. Friday night we had a dessert bar where I ate an illegal amount of magic bars, Mom told me I didn't have a college graduation party because I didn't have any friends, and Gramcracker Ring went around telling everyone the punch was 100 proof. ![]() Saturday she graduated and we attended all the nursing festivities including live jazz band and BBQ chicken with herb rolls. Overall, it was a fantastic weekend filled with a plaza III dinner, high heels, nights with Montie and Liz, mini red spider bugs, and shivers when we sang the Alma Mater. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I love my family so much! This week it's back to the grind before our trip to South Cali. I can't even believe it's true. I'm super excited to see some stars and search for some cute shops that suite my taste. I'm a little tense about the flight, but can't wait to celebrate one year of marriage with my honey buns.
While I was sleeping last night I had one of those dreams. You know, the ones where it feels so real and it's something you don't like and you feel really strongly about it and it's really concerning to you. And it feels like real life. So I woke up to go to the bathroom and realized, thank God, that Brian did not just drop a lighted match on the ground because he said it was just time to start a new life. Seriously, I was there. We were in our loaded apartment. With all of my cool baubles, decorations, my place. And he said we couldn't pack anything. And then he lit a match and dropped it on the floor in my office. Then he said we needed to leave. Because we were going to start over and start fresh and totally make another life. I basically thought he was bonkers and I can't describe how sad I felt in my dream. I was so concerned. As we started walking away from the apartment complex, I could see smoke coming out of my windows and just thinking that all of my stuff was burning and I could never get it back. Then I had a glimmer of hope in thinking that maybe the fire department had gotten there in time to save stuff. But Brian wouldn't let me go back. So I snuck out and realized that they had put the fire out in time to save a few things, but Brian wouldn't let me take anything. I woke up and I was so confused and frustrated and SO RELIEVED to see that our stuff was actually here and not burned. And then I thought, duh, this would never happen, because the first thing we would be running back for is Brian's computer.
Pressing on, this weekend took me to Lawrence. Back to the homeland. It was nice to spend a full weekend there for once in my natural life. I drove in late, straight to the home of Jones-Coleman. As usual, I kissed her on the mouth because I love her that much. Me and her talked, with presh Jas in the background making noodles. Me and her then met up with my best blog sis, Laura, and went to La Parilla, forgetting it was the 5th of May. Oopsies. It was delish and I loved being with those girls. Then afterwards we ventured to Spangles. Apparently this new diner that has annoying commercials. We all got milkshakes or slushes and Laura said something embarrassing into the order microphone that will probably never allow me to show my face there again. After that it was bed time in the animal kingdom. In the morning after Jas bought doughnuts for my obese body, I was off to walk mass with Laura. We shopped and ate at Bagel & Bagel. We also saw a local bike parade. It was swell. I also saw a homeless man in the bagel store that resembled my uncle. After this, we were riding back to Laura's apt, when my car decides to be a douche and die. So we drive it 10 mph to the Ford dealership where I beg them to fix it so I can return home the next day. $200 bones later, and I'm new again. That afternoon, I went to a shower/par-tay for my dear pal Liz. It was the bomb, I ate a lot of cheese, and Montie's sister even asked if my hair was real. After gifts, we ate at On the Border, where I got my burrito filled with only onions and peppers. This was wrong, so I ended up getting my food for free. After feasting, we went back to the house where lo and behold, we were treated to a Passion party. Cripes. I saw it all. It was fun, but I want to keep this blog PG. Yesterday was a lazy day full of pizza. I'm glad to be back home with the Bri-man. On Thursday night we travel to St. Louis for the best weekend. I'm really so excited. Oh. I failed to mention that while on mass street, I bought the sweetest airplane pin. It's about two inches long and silver. Be jealous. CBMosReal (7:11:25 PM): reading some of your blog... and I've got to admit you and brian seem almost to good to be true.. CBMosReal (7:11:25 PM): haha I love it.
God, all I need right now is a Mt. Dew waterfall, down my throat.
Long time no talk. ![]() ![]() We've been traveling our tushes off. (Sidenote: I know I shouldn't have, but I just cracked open a red bull. Can't wait to feel the rush of energy, followed by unsafe, rapid heartbeat.) Our first trip was to OK city. Brian, me, Jana, and the cat loaded up for the 7 hour van ride. We took a pit stop in Lawrence and somewhere in Missouri Jana ordered some drumsticks from KFC. We seriously had the best time. I skimmed their family pool, we went to Bricktown, and saw every statue and monument related to Shannon Miller. (That's for you Laura and Karen!) Jana's parents were like a dream and they live in the most perfect all-brick neighborhood. You really just want to lick the walls, their house was so cool. And for Jana's church's easter mass, they even sung my dad's favorite Dolly Parton song, HE IS RISEN! I mean, talk about powerful. Oklahoma rules. ![]() ![]() After that trip, the next weekend I was flying to Chicago for Liz's mega bachelorette party. Somehow we landed a deluxe condo right off of Michigan Ave. I mean, I could have just sat on the balcony all weekend looking at the view, and had the best 3 days of my life. Minor problem: No furniture, so each morning I woke up feeling like if I happened to sleep on my side, that both of my hips were beaten with an aluminum pipe. But I move on. We had a blast shopping, eating that Chicago pizza, racking up a $245 tab at Rock Bottom Brewery, and dancing in foam at the Hyatt techno super-club. Since then, me and Liz have basically been thinking of ways that would allow us to live up there, ASAP. Maybe our husbands could be Chicago policemen? I'm sure they'd look flashy in uniform. ![]() The next weekend, Brian and I needed to get away and have some together time. We went to the Air & Space museum and Mahoney State Park. Now before you think I've gone retarded, the museum was really neat. It rivals the Smithsonian as far as airplane display goes. We walked around the two large hangers and also saw some airplane restoration. Brian was totally geeking out with every plane. He drooled everytime he found out how many missiles it could carry. Or he would like shriek if he saw a plane that he recognized from one of his computer games, like Warcraft or Call of Duty. I kind of had to keep him under control. Because it was kind of embarrassing. ![]() From the museum, we went over to the State Park. This was seriously the best thing I've done in awhile. I will take a camping trip over a resort-style vacation any day of the year. We booked a room in the lodge, because the tree-top cabins were all booked up. Our room was a loft-style room complete with a rock mantle. First, we went up to like a 50 story observation tower that looked out as far as you could see over the whole park. I started to get kind of freaked out at the top because it kind of swayed and it was just steel with huge holes so you could basically see all the way down. After that, we took a hike and everything was green because it had rained and was about to do it again. I took some great nature pictures and everything was just so fresh and it made me so happy. We took another hike around the lake and it was just so nice holding hands and feeling good. The best weekend. This weekend I'm headed to Lawrence to see Jones/Coleman and JasFace, also going to celebrate with Liz and the girls for a shower and party. Can't wait! The next weekend I am going to St. Louis to see Holly graduate. Weekend after that, star-sister Kristin will graduate from KU Med, and after that Brian and I head to Southern California to celebrate our one year anniversary. After that, Liz and Montie get married. Life is full and exciting right now, but that's cool with me. I'm basically still the same. Still obsessed with goldfish cheese crackers, still running, still drinking Starbucks, and still freaking out regularly. This weekend Brian is hosting Montie's bachelor party here in NE. The freezer is stocked with frozen pizzas and hopefully everyone has received Brian's powerpoint presentation mapping out the entire weekend. (yeah I'm serious.) This weekend we bought the new Tool, Taking Back Sunday, and Thursday CDs. It's been a good week for music. Next week, the new Head Automatica CD comes out. On another note, did anyone catch Tiara Girls last night? The girl was from Iowa and I think I almost barfed out my intestines when I saw her in a swimsuit. I mean, who's kidding who. I mean, I'm just saying, looks like the Miss Greater Des Moines is maybe not looking for a fit-bodied representative. Sheesh. Tonight, I can't wait for eating at Kona. And I kinda want to hurt the lady on the Vatterott College commercial.
Ah, I just went to the bathroom
and realized that my underwear has been inside out since I put the fresh D's on at 9pm last night. This is what it's been like for me lately. I'll be back soon with a fantastic post for you people. |